RUG-PTHU Study Afternoon, 10th March 2023

Baas in Eigen Buik?!! Alweer??!! Over de noodzaak om weer over reproductieve rechten en de vrijheid van vrouwen te spreken De Faculty of Religion, Society and Culture van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en de Protestante Theologische Universiteit Groningen houden op 10 maart een studiemiddag over de noodzaak om weer over reproductieve rechten en de vrijheid van …

REGENN Research Week Scholarships now available!

We are happy to announce that five scholarships for the REGENN Research Week are now available. Scholarships consist of a €150 reimbursement of registration fee (total costs: €285). Scholarships are meant for early career scholars, MA students or other applicants for whom the registration fee might form a barrier for participation.

REGENN Meeting: Gender and Conversion

What does it mean to join a religion as a Dutch woman? How do female converts deal with stereotypes about religion and emancipation? How do their experiences differ in Judaism, Christianity or Islam? On 11 November, Lieke Schrijvers will discuss her PhD dissertation.

REGENN Research Week 2023

We are happy to invite you to the REGENN Week 2023, which will take place from Monday 2 January until Friday 6 January at Emmaus in Helvoirt.