
Network OPP (Onderlinge Promotie Promoting = Mutual Promoting of Promoting/Promotion)

The network OPP was a research-network of (feminist) women in theology and religious studies. It was started in 1987/1988 by Jonneke Bekkenkamp and Marian Papavoine, as part of the Project Feminism and Theology I (1984-1988) – a project instigated by IWFT in cooperation with IIMO to stimulate teaching and research in feminism and theology. 

The main activity of the OPP was the OPP-week. This week was organized in the first week of January and was devoted to self-study, research presentations by (young) participants and mutual exchange. The locations changed over the years, but the weeks were mostly held in monasteries or religious communities. Each year a group of 18-25 women would participate in this week – some for the whole week, some for a few days.  It was and is a successful concept that was only interrupted by the Covid epidemic and will be continued by REGENN. 

IWFT (interuniversitaire Werkgroep Feminisme en Theologie)
IIMO (Interuniversitair Instituut voor Missiologie en Oecumenica)

Do you want to know more about the history of the OPP? Click below to read more (in Dutch).

“Nog niet zo lang geleden – we schrijven het eind van de tachtiger jaren van de vorige eeuw – waren er amper vrouwelijke docenten theologie aan de universiteit te vinden. Vrouwelijke professoren waren helemaal een zeldzaamheid – en een docent/e met enige belangstelling voor feministische theologie of vrouwenstudies theologie was wat je noemt een witte raaf […]” Lees verder…